She cried when she first opened her eyes and saw a stranger's face. She was breathing, the stranger looked at her and was smiling. She found warmth in the stranger's hug and slowly, that stranger became her "mama". That was the first word that she ever spoke. Those were the first pretty eyes she had ever seen. She found beauty in that stranger, from her eyes to her smile.
Slowly, she grew up to see beauty in the flowers, the skies and the stars. Her favorite pass time was making drawings with the stars and staring at the beauty of the trees.
She grew up more. Slowly, people began teaching her the meaning of beauty, fair meant "beauty" and talking meant "smartness". But soon she realized, everything was a masterpiece of a creator and he created everyone with his perfection and creativity.
From the beauty of words, clothes to hair, everything was like an artists' work for her. She studied to master the art of writing, only to find that writing was an inborn talent, the more beautifully one could weave their words, the better their art would be.
She grew up more, only to find that the world wants a machine to keep repeating their daily chores, not creativity or talent. Some to break that chain of monotony preferred to travel, some went on in pursuit to find their art and creativity.
How she would have known that the world was not about beauty or art? She no longer had the time to stare at the stars, her world was clouded with deadlines and monthly targets. Beauty just meant like a word used to describe something attractive.
How beautiful it would have been for her if she could have a long walk in a park and count the number of flowers on her path. Or to just lie down and stare at the stars. It was all a desire in her heart.
She wanted to paint her canvas with all bright colours. She wanted to weave words the way she wanted, good or bad but it was all her creativity. She wanted to walk miles and see faces with different smiles and shades, it was all beauty for her. Every face with a different emotion.
But her pursuit to find beauty, all ended in a post on her computer. She went off to sleep to see dreams that remind her that beauty and creativity still exists, atleast in her head.